Seagull Environmental Technologies, Inc. (Seagull) was established in 1998. The company provides environmental services to federal, state, and local government agencies and the private sector under numerous contracts of various sizes, natures, and complexity. The greatest percentage of our work has been with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- 22 EPA Superfund contracts in various regions since 1999 -- as the prime and team subcontractor. The combined value of these contracts is more than $500 million.
Seagull provides technical support to releases of oil and hazardous substances; removal oversights; site assessments, including CERCLA assessments, Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESA), targeted Brownfields assessments, lead and asbestos inspections, Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA), and Response Action Plans (RAP); preparedness and prevention activities including training and exercises; Direct Push Technology (DPT) applications; and Geographic Information System (GIS) support. Under EPA contracts, Seagull has responded and provided support to a number of incidents of national significance. Most notably were responses to the anthrax contamination in the Senate Hart building complex; Hurricane Katrina that devastated many south coastal states in 2005; the category EF-5 tornado in Greensburg, Kansas, in 2007; the Midwest flooding in Iowa and Missouri since 2008; the 2010 British Petroleum (BP) Gulf Oil Spill; and the 2011 tornado in Joplin, Missouri. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Seagull has provided homeland security and training/exercise services to several federal and state agencies. We take pride in providing a high level of technical expertise in all of the aforementioned areas, while maintaining a high standard of overall service provided to each of our clients.
Seagull consists of a responsive, highly skilled, professional staff of engineers, geologists, biologists, and environmental scientists, who have provided environmental consulting to various Federal, state, and local agencies and private clients for more than 20 years. Our staff includes Professional Engineers (P.E.), Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM), Registered Geologists (R.G.), asbestos/lead-base paint/mold inspectors, and licensed well drillers/pump installers. Our professionals are trained in accordance with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and are knowledgeable of federal and state environmental laws and regulations and standard operating procedures.
Seagull has established its presence in various locations, including Kansas City, Gladstone, Jefferson City, and St. Louis, Missouri; Detroit, Michigan; and Prosper, Texas. Seagull is registered in the federal System for Award Management (SAM) and maintains an On-line Representation and Certifications.